Meaning, Reference and Modality: Celebrating Nathan Salmón’s Work

There was a great turn out for the recent conference honoring Nathan Salmón's work!

The conference was sponsored by the UCSB Department of Philosophy and the Steven Humphrey Fund for Excellence in Philosophy, and featured talks from Scott Soames (USC), Teresa Robertson Ishii (UCSB), Stefano Predelli (University of Nottingham), and David Braun (University at Buffalo). It culminated in a talk from Nathan Salmón (UCSB) himself, titled “Quantifying Out.” In addition to all those who attended in person, there were over 30 people attending via Zoom at all times including David Kaplan (see picture below), as engaging as ever at age 91!

A full video recording of the conference can be found here, and an online photo album of the conference can be found here

Thank you to everyone who attended and made the conference special!

Pictured (left to right):

Back row: Matthew Hanser, Yifan Dai, Andrei [Unknown], Morgan Davies, Jordan Neidlinger, Nelson [Unknown], Kyle Dickie, Jonathan Charry, Scott Soames, Yuchen Li, David Braun, Sonny Elizondo, Igal Kvart, Marcello Fiocco, Unknown, Amanda Greene, Daehwi Jeong, Philip Atkins, Paolo Bonardi, Aaron Zimmerman, Oliver Marshall, Colin Allen, Michael Nelson

Front Row: (Kneeling) Eleonora [Unknown], Stefano Predelli, Blake Batoon, Flavio Tisi, (Standing) Nathan Salmón, Teresa Robertson Ishii, C. Anthony Anderson, Voula Tsouna, Richard McKirahan, Daniel Korman

Not pictured: Robin Jeshion-Nelson

David Kaplan attending the conference via Zoom