

  • Photo of Rick Lamb and son

Congratulations to Rick Lamb, who has successfully defended his dissertation titled Moral Disagreement as Evidence!

  • Steven Canet and his Dissertation Committee

Congratulations to Steven Canet, who has successfully defended his dissertation titled Genuine Property Naturalism in Object Metaphysics!

Congratulations to Charles Perkins, whose paper "Aquinas and the Over-Hasty Conclusion" has been accepted for publication in Faith and Philosophy

  • UCSB Ethics Bowl Teams at Stanford University, Dec 7, 2024

Two ethics bowl teams represented UCSB at the regional competition at Stanford University on Saturday Dec 7.

  • Attendees of the conference honoring Nathan Salmon's work

There was a great turn out for the recent conference honoring Nathan Salmón's work! Click for more details. 

Congratulations to  David King, who has successfully defended his dissertation titled On the Nature and Ethics of Belief!

The Department is pleased to announce that Daehwi Jeong and Kerong Gao are the Fall 2024...

Join the faculty at UC Santa Barbara!

  • Picture of Charles Perkins and his dog, Tuesday

Congratulations to Charles Perkins, who has successfully defended his dissertation Language, Metaphysics, and Natural Theology! Perkins has also been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Central Oklahoma starting August 2024. 

  • Picture of Thainá DeMartini

Congratulations to Thainá DeMartini for successfully defending her paper "Microaggressions as Oppressive Implicatures". Passing the Qualifying Paper is the last hurdle in our graduate program before advancing to candidacy.