
Photo of Kelly Almeida
  • Staff Graduate Advisor
- Graduate student recruitment and admissions
- Graduate student progress checks
- Graduate student advising
- TA coordinator: recruitment, payroll, fee remissions
- Graduate committee consultant
- Student awards
- Graduate stipends
- Block grant/graduate funding support
- Graduate email list administrator


  • 805-893-7490
  • South Hall 3432E
Photo of Kasey Cheatham
  • Financial & Budget Coordinator
- Travel and miscellaneous reimbursements
- Lodging and airfare reservation
- Supplies and equipment procurement
- Maintenance requests
- Food and entertainment reimbursements
- Student assistant employment
- Time sheets and payroll for hourly employees
- Academic organization membership
- Honoraria
  • 805-893-7077
  • SH 3431F
  • SASC Director
- All management functions related to the operations of administrative support and services of the SASC (Student Services and Academic Services units) provided to South Hall HFA departments and programs in the areas of Academic Personnel, Financial/Budget, Student Services, Contract and Grant administration, Purchasing, IT, Space, Development and Alumni Relations, Safety, Policy and Procedures, etc.
  • 805-893-3237
  • SH 3431H
  • Academic Personnel Coordinator
- Personnel policy and procedures
- Faculty recruitment and appointments
- Ladder faculty merits, promotions, career steps, retentions, appraisals
- Non-Senate faculty re-appointments, excellence reviews, merits
- Payroll, additional compensation, and contracts
- Sabbatical and other leaves
- Donor acknowledgment
- Faculty email list administrator
- Visiting scholars
- New faculty email, UCSBNetID, orientation
  • Administrative Coordinator
- Website updates and questions
- Technical assistance (e.g., copiers, printers)
- Faculty email listings
- Keys
- Office supplies
- Door codes
 Celeste can also be reached at


  • South Hall 3431
Picture of Josie Patterson
  • Student Services Manager
- Managerial oversight of Student Services Unit of the SASC
- Student services policy and procedures
- Curriculum planning and course scheduling
- TA/Associate/Reader appointments and payroll
- Student services staff supervisor


  • 805-893-2708
  • SH 3432G
  • Financial & Academic Services Manager
- Managerial oversight of Academic Services Unit of the SASC
- Financial and academic personnel policy and procedures
- Academic appointments and payroll
- Financial/academic personnel staff supervisor
  • 805-893-3864
  • SH 3431C
  • Staff Undergraduate Advisor
- Undergraduate student major, minor, and program advising
- Undergraduate student petitions for major requirements
- Approval codes
- University and department undergrad awards
- Course scheduling and wait-lists
- Seminar room scheduling (COURSES only)
- Undergrad listserve and alumni info

Staff and Faculty can contact Lucy at

  • 805-893-3776
  • SH 3432C