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Research Interests
- Philosophy of Language
- Feminist Philosophy
- Metaphysics
- Ethics
State University of Campinas, Brazil (B.A., Philosophy)
State University of Campinas, Brazil (M.A., Philosophy)
When not doing philosophy, I enjoy cooking, traveling, and engaging in DIY projects. I am also a casual reader of Psychology books.
My current research falls at the intersection of feminist philosophy, philosophy of language, and ethics. I am particularly interested in defining the phenomenon of microaggressions, and what kind of moral wrong they are. Consequently, my research engages with the question of whether microaggressions are connected to oppression, as well as to other phenomena such as gaslighting and slurs. Other topics in the intersection of philosophy of language, and ethics also interest me, in particular, the discussions over free speech.
During my Masters, what motivated my project was my interest in the connection between certain conceptions of language and whether they commit us to particular metaphysical views via intuition. I wrote my dissertation on Saul Kripke’s theory of reference and his metaphysical standpoint. Most notably, I focused on analyzing identity sentences and the necessary status of theoretical statements under his essentialist view. I remain interested in how language learning can help us address issues about reference, as well as clarify why we have the metaphysical intuitions about the world that we do. However, now it’s been redirected to social ontology.