We will be meeting on Fridays from 11.00 to 12.20 am at SH 5617 (PHIL Conference Room). All are welcome.
(The library has Jon Burnet's edition of the Philebus, which we are using. You can also find the Loeb edition, with facing English translation, at loebclassics.org).
For questions, reach out to Salvador Escalante salvad@ucsb.edu
Feminist Philosophy Reading Group
Join us every other Friday, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, for an engaging discussion of feminist philosophy texts. Our group is open to anyone interested in exploring feminist thought through readings that examine key ideas and theories. The next meeting will be held on Friday January 17th 2025, where we’ll dive into our latest text in discussion.
If you would like to join, please contact us. For easier access to your email, it would be helpful if you could use your institutional email address:
· Elinor Mason, Organizer: elinormason [at] ucsb [dot] edu, elinormason@ucsb.edu
· Surraiya Baloch, Co-organizer: sbaloch [at] ucsb [dot] edu, sbaloch@ucsb.edu
We welcome you to come and share your thoughts!